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Monday, September 28, 2009

the beginning

hello everyone. so im normally against the whole blog thing just because i think its a little cheesy and i didnt think i would be very good at updating it on a regular basis. however ive already been suckered into doing one with my girlfriend and its not as hard as i thought it would be (plus she usually does all of the work). we have a blog called matt and margaret project which follows our quest in completing a list of fun activities before summer's end. go check it out! anyway, ive decided to create my own blog to showcase my architecture work that i am completing in school. it will allow me to show my friends and family what i am working on and to hopefully be a good tool for getting a job later down the road. ill try and update it as much as possible with studio projects, sketches, ideas, and just anything that i might be thinking while trying to complete a project. i hope this site can help give people the chance to also give me feedback on my work which would be very helpful. thanks and enjoy

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